Financial Aid toward Veterinary Care2025-03-22T13:10:47-06:00

The DaisyCares Veterinary Care program was created to help pets of families in need with the cost of veterinary care.

Today, more than ever, pet owners are faced with economic hardship, and too often do not have the resources to pay for veterinary care for their pets.

DaisyCares strives to save pets’ lives by way of grants to vets on behalf of qualifying pet owners and/or rescue groups. Subject to availability of funds.

DaisyCares has a limited monthly grant capacity, and welcomes your financial support to help serve as many applicants as possible.

Do you need our brochure to help promote DaisyCares at your veterinary clinic? This brochure is available for download here: 2017 DaisyCares Brochure

In need of Financial Aid toward Veterinary Care?
Eligibility Criteria/Application Process

The DaisyCares Veterinary Care program has a limited monthly grant capacity and is subject to availability of funds. Funds are granted in the amount of up to $250 for urgent or emergent treatment. Applications are reviewed and approved based on the following 3 criteria:

1) Client qualifies financially.

2) The client can pay any balance owed.

3) A positive prognosis (outcome) is established by the veterinarian.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants applying for DaisyCares assistance must be a resident of Bexar County, Texas (or surrounding counties) and provide proof of income and a veterinary estimate.

Qualifying criteria includes, but is not limited to:

+ Low income based on 180% of the HHS Poverty Guidelines – detailed below
+ Recipient of SSI or disability within the income guidelines below.
+ Medicaid or Medicare recipient
+ Homeless
+ Current SNAP (food stamp) benefits
+ Unemployed

+ Medical conditions causing financial strain (cancer, surgery, dialysis, etc.)

180% of 2019 HHS Poverty Guidelines for the 48 Contiguous States and Washington D.C.

Persons in Household Poverty Guideline
1 $22,482
2 $30,438
3 $38,394
4 $46,350
5 $54,306
6 $62,262
7 $70,218
8 $78,174

For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $5,530 for each additional person.

YOU DO NOT QUALIFY for financial aid from DaisyCares if any of the following apply:

  • Your pet has already been treated and you have an outstanding bill you’d like help in paying;
  • You are seeking reimbursement for amounts that you have already incurred or paid for veterinary care;
  • Your Veterinarian has agreed to a payment plan that you can afford to pay;
  • Your pet does not have a reasonable chance for survival with a good quality of life for at least approximately one year following treatment as determined by the diagnosing vet;
  • You have not applied for Care Credit (or, if you have applied, you have not received a rejection from Care Credit);
  • You have applied for Care Credit and been approved;
  • You could have your pet treated and pay the bill but it would place a financial burden on you;
  • You have received financial aid from DaisyCares in the past; or
  • You are requesting financial aid for elective surgery. Elective surgery is defined as: surgery that is not essential, especially surgery that is not required for survival. An example would be age related cataracts.

WE DO NOT COVER the following procedure:

  • Exams
  • Testing/Exploratory procedures (x-rays, blood work, etc.)
  • Routine testing (heart worm, etc.)
  • Dental care
  • Spay/Neuter services
  • Flea & Tick treatment
  • Euthanizing

DaisyCares ONLY covers treatment plans that are being recommended by your Veterinarian, and documentation is required. AN ESTABLISHED POSITIVE PROGNOSIS IS REQUIRED. Unfortunately, DaisyCares cannot approve applications for guarded, poor, or fair to poor prognosis.

Application Process

STEP 1: Complete our Apply for Assistance survey online. DaisyCares requires two documents: 1) Proof of income or financial need. 2)Veterinary estimate detailing the treatment. Estimates for exams and testing only are not accepted. These documents can be uploaded to the application form OR sent to DaisyCares through e-mail after confirmation of application is received.

STEP 2: The Grant Review Committee votes. Applications are reviewed and approved based on the following 3 criteria: 1) Client qualifies financially. 2) The client can pay any balance owed. 3) A positive prognosis (outcome) is established by the veterinarian.

STEP 3: A Letter of Commitment or Letter of Denial is generated on DaisyCares’ letterhead, signed by our Board President and delivered via email to you. If you do not provide DaisyCares with an email address then we cannot provide a Letter or Commitment or Letter of Denial.

Please be advised that if your application is approved as provided above, DaisyCares ONLY sends funding directly to the treating Veterinarian. In addition, if you are approved by DaisyCares for financial aid as provided above, you must agree to allow DaisyCares to post a picture of your pet along with his/her biography as one of our success stories on the DaisyCares website.

Routine Pet Care

DasiyCares Resource Guide answers many questions for new pet owners and those looking for answers specific to San Antonio and the surrounding area. For more information on veterinary care, boarding, grooming training, and financial support, click on DaisyCares’ Pet Resource Guide.

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